Friday, September 15, 2023

This You Can Try to Alleviate Back Pain

 Are you tired of waking up with back pain?

Are you looking for relief? 

Here are a few things we recommend you try at home to temporarily alleviate back pain:

back pain ann arbor
Move: Movement of the spine in different directions can help muscles work, ligaments stretch, and work the discs between your vertebrae. Small controlled movements throughout the day for everyone, especially if they are experiencing back pain. 

Stretch: Stretching the muscles surrounding the back can help loosen the muscles and improve your range of motion. This can help reduce pain and stiffness. 

Ice: Ice decreases the inflammatory response your body puts in place to protect and help heal damaged tissues. Ice can often help things feel better, but also to move more and decrease swelling that can put pressure on nerves. 

Practice Good Posture:  Having good posture seems simple, but can impact back pain. Core engaged, chest out, shoulders back and down, and eyes straight ahead will drastically change your body's movement, pain pathways in your nervous system, and breathing. Improved posture often takes the pressure off your vertebrae you didn't know you had. 

To learn more about common causes of back pain, click here! 

Back Pain Relief in Ann Arbor Is Possible 

From alleviating discomfort and eliminating pain, chiropractic care can play a valuable role in enhancing your overall health and well-being. Consider consulting with a chiropractor for your back pain in Ann Arbor

Contact our experienced team at (734)929-4060 for any questions or concerns you may have. 

To schedule a visit, click here! 

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