Monday, January 15, 2024

Understanding Migraines

 Do you get migraines when you’re stressed? 

Do you experience headaches accompanied by nausea or visual changes?

Many people think migraines are just "bad headaches" or assume you have to have extreme symptoms for them to be considered migraines. Neither is true.

Migraines are much more complex than headaches. 

migraines ann arbor
What are Some Migraine Symptoms? 

While migraines are typically associated with more pain than headaches, that isn't their only distinction.
Migraines are often accompanied by a throbbing or pulsing feeling, nausea, elevated heart rate, visual changes, and many other symptoms. 

What Causes Migraines?

Migraines can be caused by lots of things - spinal issues, diet, exercise, stress, and more. The key is getting to the root of your specific migraines. The things that cause migraines – “triggers” – are things you can avoid to alleviate the frequency and intensity of your migraines.

Learn more about your migraines by reading our latest article!  

Do You Suffer from Migraines in Ann Arbor? 

Wonder if your "bad headaches” are really migraines? 

If you're struggling to figure out the cause of your migraines in Ann Arbor, there might be spine and nervous system issues. At our office, we use precise methods like full spine X-rays, regular spine analysis, and a 3-part neurological scan to identify and address your unique case. 

Reach out to our team today to schedule a visit

Monday, January 1, 2024

Identify the Source of Your Migraines

Are you struggling to find the source of your migraines? 

Have you tried everything Google suggests for relief, but nothing has helped?

migraines ann arbor
The first step when identifying the cause of your migraines is to keep detailed logs. 

Here are the things you should be tracking:

  • Detailed Diet
  • Exercise 
  • Stress levels
  • Sleep Duration and Quality
  • Menstrual Cycle
  • The phase of the moon if none of the others helped.

You should track things that caused or alleviated the pain for a few weeks. We recommend a period of 60 days. Logging your lifestyle will help you understand what might be leading to your migraines and give you clues as to what to avoid.

Learn more about your migraines by reading our latest article

Figure Out Your Migraines in Ann Arbor with The Bridge Chiropractic

Are you tired of living with migraines? 

If you're struggling to figure out the cause of your migraines in Ann Arbor, there might be spine and nervous system issues. At our office, we use precise methods like full spine X-rays, regular spine analysis, and a 3-part neurological scan to identify and address your unique case. 

Reach out to our team today to schedule a visit

Ways to Prevent Knee Injuries and Pain

Are you looking for ways to prevent knee pain in Ann Arbor ? Knee pain can significantly impact your quality of life, limiting your mobility...