Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Quick Tips for Sciatic Pain Relief

Do you experience pain or tenderness in your legs? 

Does sciatica keep you from being active? 

Sciatica doesn’t just go away on its own, it requires care and attention. If you’re between chiropractic adjustments and need relief, try these quick tips below: 

What You Can Do for Relief 

sciatica ann arbor
1. Stretch: Stretching the back of your leg, especially the hamstring, along with the glutes, hips, and low back can reduce your sciatica symptoms. Simple stretches can be found on YouTube with a guided walkthrough. 

2. Nerve flossing: Nerve Flossing is a specific movement that allows the sciatic nerve to "floss" or slide through the fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds the nerve like a sheath). 

3. Ice: Another thing to try is icing the affected area. Icing inflamed nerves can help with reducing inflammation and limiting pain. Ice for 10 minutes once an hour.

To learn more about sciatica and how it affects others, click here! 

Feel Sciatica Relief in Ann Arbor at The Bridge Chiropractic 

Is stretching no longer enough?

Chiropractic care is a great way to relief symptoms of sciatica in Ann Arbor. Contact our team today at (734)929-4060 to schedule an appointment to start your personalized pain relief journey.

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